I have the sudden urge to write some Cally/Auron fan-fiction, but before I can begin, I need to do some fact gathering.
I've got a basic plot outline, but I'm not completely sure that it gels with the rest of the series, because I've never studied Blake's 7 closely before, from a writer's viewpoint. I've always watched it passively, without concern for details. And I've never written any fan-fiction before. So, I need to do my homework first.
So, this page (which is under construction) will be an attempt to collect all the relevant dialogue from the Cally/Auron storylines, that defines their characters. And then once I've got the full picture, hopefully then I can write something plausible and consistent with the series.
CALLY: Why Earth? ...
TARRANT: As it happens, it's his idea. There's someone there he wants to eliminate...
CALLY: What? ...
CALLY: So it's just revenge you're after?
AVON: Just and sweet...
CALLY: You two, you approve of this? ...
CALLY: But pointless revenge, it doesn't achieve anything.
DERAL: The man may suspect. Don't forget, all Aurons are telepathic.
SERVALAN: Not, Deral, after being hit by an ionic beam.
DERAL: Let's hope not.

SERVALAN: You were hit by a random ionic reef...
SERVALAN: Ginka, how badly damaged is the Auron patrol ship?...
SERVALAN: Manual only, I'm afraid.
PILOT: I'll manage...
SERVALAN: I only wish we had time to diverge --
PILOT: No. Since the war, the Federation breakup, our people are more cautious than ever. Isolationists.

AVON: The trouble with the people of Auron is that they all suffer from a superiority complex...
AVON: Too good to become involved with the rest of humanity.
CALLY: That's not true. Just because we happen to be neutral doesn't necessarily --
AVON: Neutrality or passivism, it all boils down to the same gutless inanity.
CALLY: You're wrong...
CALLY: Some of us wanted to participate in galactic affairs.
AVON: Yes?
DAYNA: So what happened? Were you overruled?
AVON: The great passive majority psyched them into line. Telepathic communion is a wonderful thing.

TARRANT: On Auron?
CALLY: No, defending the planet Saurian Major from the Federation.
TARRANT: The Federation won, of course.
CALLY: Yes. I do try, though. We're not all gutless, you see.
VILA: And the Aurons punished you for your defiance, didn't they?
TARRANT: Were you exiled?
CALLY: Yes. Why do you imagine I've never gone back? Affection for him?

CA-2: Still nothing?
PATAR: He's totally on his own. We have you on visual, four zero, but we are not hearing you. Apply retro thrust. Do you copy?
CA-2: He'll burn up if he doesn't do it soon. CA-1.
PATAR: Pilot four zero, you must apply retro thrust. Repeat, apply retro thrust.
CA-1: Do you think he's slowing?
PATAR: Could be. Full retros, four zero. [pilot in shuttle, sores on face, hard landing. pilot dies]
PATAR: [vo] Well done, four zero. Stand by for hookup, stand by.
DERAL: They aren't all going to die, are they?
SERVALAN: Deral, we must rebuild the Federation.
DERAL: But Auron has always been neutral.
SERVALAN: Yes. And so long as it was politically expedient they were left to their pathetic little ideals. But the war has left us with a different situation: general disunity and anarchy. So, different imperatives prevail.
CALLY: They're all dying. Dayna, they're all dying.

CA-2: Report, Module six.
VOICE: It's here, we've got it here.
CA-1: Oh, no.
CA-2: Details.
VOICE: First case was a hour ago. It started with the children.
CA-2: Next, the young adults. Thank you, module six.
CA-1: Any response to the distress calls?
CA-2: Not a whisper. Appeals out on all channels, nothing.
VOICE: Medical section reporting.
CA-2: Yes.
VOICE: Negative trace. Non-bacterial, Non-viral. Must conclude disease pathogen of alien origins.
CA-1: Ah, yes. From their insane Intergalactic War.
VOICE: What else?
CA-2: So why aren't we affected? We were exposed to the disease first, longer than anyone.

CA-2: Unlike the youngsters. So what do we do?
CA-1: Evacuation.
FRANTON: It's probably Auron's only chance now.
CA-1: Why aren't you at the replication plant?
FRANTON: Off shift, unfortunately.
CA-2: Oh, I'm sorry.
FRANTON: There's still my assistant, Zelda. [CA-1 and Franton go to comm screen]
CA-1: Are you all right? No symptoms?
ZELDA: [on screen] The plant is fully sterile, sir.
CA-1: Zelda, prepare a full range of genetic stock. Get them packed immediately, ready for evacuation.

FRANTON: What is it, Zelda?
ZELDA: To contact Cally.
CA-1: Oh, that young rebel.
ZELDA: The Liberator must be our best hope.
CA-1: Look, we already have distress calls out on constant transmission. Just obey orders!
FRANTON: With respect, sir. You and Cally are from the same sibling group, aren't you?
ZELDA: Yes, Cally's my twin.
FRANTON: Identical brain scan.
ZELDA: Optimum telepathic affinity.
CA-1: Yes, well, forget all that and just do as I say--

CA-1: That policy was agreed upon in council.
FRANTON: And those in opposition were simply ignored. My father tried to warn you, and so did Cally. And look how you've thanked her.
CA-1: She deserved to be exiled.
FRANTON: You'd better just hope Zelda can get her back now.
ZELDA: [Telepath voice] Cally. Help us, Cally. Help Auron.
end section
CALLY: Avon, I can't.
AVON: Concentrate.
CALLY: It's my mother, my father. I don't know.
AVON: Cally, your mother and father are dead. It is an illusion. Tell yourself that this is a rock.
CALLY: But it's not. It's alive.
AVON: Orac, is the rock sopron alive?
CALLY: But it's sitting there, thinking.
AVON: Concentrate.
CALLY: It's my mother, my father. I don't know.
AVON: Cally, your mother and father are dead. It is an illusion. Tell yourself that this is a rock.
CALLY: But it's not. It's alive.
AVON: Orac, is the rock sopron alive?
CALLY: But it's sitting there, thinking.
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